Thursday, March 31, 2011

Street Art

I had a hard time thinking about what to write because
I already have many posts about just normal paintings and artists.
So I wanted to do something different and I thought of street art.
Last year in art 2, Mr. Malady showed us these cool pictures of street art.
It was really interesting and something new. I was amazed at how realistic it looked.

definition for STREET ART - any art developed in public spaces including in the streets themselves.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

AP Art Portfolio

I've been very busy lately because of art.
Honestly, I didn't think taking AP art would be this hard.
Heres what I have to have for my art portfolio..
12 concentration - I have to have 12 drawings with the same topic which is penguins
12 breadth - breadth pieces are just the drawings that shows my skills, using different midiums
5 quality - for quality, I can either create 5 quality works or I can just use 5 works from my breadth, or concentration. But it has to be really good, detailed drawings.
so far I have 10 concentration, 8 breadth, and 4 quality pieces.. and the problem is thery aren't finished..
I have to have at least 24 works by april 26th.
Last year when I was in Art 4, I didn't work hard because I had 2 art classes
and I thought I had plenty of time to do all theses works.
But as time gets closer I have realized that I have to do my best to finish my drawings.
I really hope that I can get the score I want (:

Friday, March 4, 2011

Audrey Kawasaki

I wish I could draw half as good as Audrey Kawasaki!
She  is 28 years old, Japanese-American from LA.
She is famous for her unique and distinctive style.
I think she is the most amazingest illustrator in the world.
All of her works are done in oil paint on wood panels.
Her style is a fusion  Art Nouveau and Japanese manga.
The girls in her illustrations look so innocent but slightly erotic at the same time, I think that's why people love her and makes her unique.
I've never used oil before. I've only used acrylic on canvas but oil on wood gives smooth texture and it is easier to paint because acrylic only gives you few minutes to blend the colors, but oil paints take up to a week to completely dry. I'd love to try it out!