Thursday, March 17, 2011

AP Art Portfolio

I've been very busy lately because of art.
Honestly, I didn't think taking AP art would be this hard.
Heres what I have to have for my art portfolio..
12 concentration - I have to have 12 drawings with the same topic which is penguins
12 breadth - breadth pieces are just the drawings that shows my skills, using different midiums
5 quality - for quality, I can either create 5 quality works or I can just use 5 works from my breadth, or concentration. But it has to be really good, detailed drawings.
so far I have 10 concentration, 8 breadth, and 4 quality pieces.. and the problem is thery aren't finished..
I have to have at least 24 works by april 26th.
Last year when I was in Art 4, I didn't work hard because I had 2 art classes
and I thought I had plenty of time to do all theses works.
But as time gets closer I have realized that I have to do my best to finish my drawings.
I really hope that I can get the score I want (:

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